Saturday, July 5, 2008

My Wonderfully Wasted Day

Today, Wes went off to Lake Charles to play poker with a friend. I had a wonderful day of doing pretty much nothing at home alone. I watched some Law & Order (is it on 24 hrs a day?), surfed the Etsy forums, shopped online a bit, and came up with some new ideas for things to list in my shop. I also crocheted a cotton face cloth - I just started using these recently and I love them! It has been fabulously relaxing.

Of course, what I should have been doing was cleaning the house, particularly the kitchen which was hit pretty hard by our dinner party last night. That can wait until tomorrow!

Later thie evening, I might get the sewing machine back out and make something from the fabric I bought at Ikea this week. Ah, the beauty of a lazy day at home.

To recap my shopping, I bought a few PIF (pay it forward) items on Etsy. They were a great deal and really cute! I love the idea of the pay it forward items. Once I receive these, I will be listing some of my own. Here is what I got:

Check out these sellers and see if you find something you like!

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